Saturday, April 10, 2010

Subscribe to Queen City Weddings!

Getting Married?? Love projects?? Want to learn what Buffalo has to offer??

By subscribing to Queen City Wedding's blog, you will learn great DIY ideas, learn what Buffalo truly has to offer, great great ideas and tips for your big day, and see highlights of other local brides' big days!

We truly urge you to subscribe and tell your friends as well! And no worries - you will only get an email when this blog is updated and only one per day. :-)

What exactly does it mean to subscribe to the Queen City Weddings blog?

It is incredibly easy! There are two ways to go about it.

[ONE] You can subscribe in a reader {yahoo, newsgator, aol, bloglines, netvibes, google, pageflakes, etc} via the “Follow” button on the right side of the blog. A reader will automatically update when a blog, like this one, publishes new content. By subscribing in a reader, there is no need to bookmark a web-page and constantly check for updates - your reader will do that for you.

[TWO] Enter your email address in the “Subscribe via Email” gadget on the right side of the blog and receive updates when new information is posted. You will never receive more than one email per day and will not receive an email if new information is not posted.

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