Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011...

As I sit down to write this last blog post of the year, I cannot help but wonder where the year went! These days are flying by, but I am loving every minute of it. As this last day of 2010 has come upon us, I am able to reflect upon an amazing year – filled with love, laughter and a few bumps and hurdles that allowed me to better myself and be better prepared for all that 2011 may bring!

First and foremost, 2010 was an absolutely fantastic year because I was finally able to obtain my dream of becoming a wedding planner. I officially launched Queen City Weddings earlier this year and cannot believe how far we have come in such a short time. I have to take a moment and thank my husband, my family, and my friends for their endless support and constant encouragement. I could not have done it without you. I consider myself truly blessed to know such amazing people – and continuing to meet such amazing people in the form of wedding professionals and brides & grooms.

Another highlight of 2010 was the birth of my niece, Shylah Belle. What a blessing a child is! I cannot believe that she is already 8 months old as I write this, but it has been such a joy watching her grow throughout these months - finding her fingers and toes, recognizing voices, learning how to crawl, and giving the best smile a child could give. She is such a happy baby and is always smiling at anyone she sees. And seeing her with such happiness and innocence really allows you to put life into perspective. Why not be happy? Why not enjoy everyone for who they are? Life is too short to reflect on the negatives. So, a big thank you to Shylah Belle who has been my constant reminder to live life to it’s fullest and never take a moment for granted.

Shylah on her Birthday!
Shylah Belle Christmas 2010 (8 Months)

2010 also meant my first wedding anniversary with my husband. Words cannot even describe what an honor it is to be his wife. This past year has been such an incredible journey and I have him to thank for it. I am so lucky to have someone who is always there believing me, understanding me, and loving me for me. To celebrate our year of marriage, we enjoyed a delicious dinner and headed out for a weekend just the two of us. It was absolutely perfect and everyday I am reminded that we were truly meant for each other and I can’t wait to spend many, many, many more years with the love of my life.

As I made way through 2010, I also came upon some major career decisions. There were a few ups and downs through the process, but as the New Year is creeping closer and closer, I am only reaffirmed in my thinking of “everything happens for a reason.” Each path I have taken in regards to my career has allowed me to meet extraordinary people, learn some important things, and gave me the opportunity to get to know myself better. It may have been quite the roller coaster ride, but I would have it no other way. It was an incredible experience and I am looking forward to all the 2011 will bring.

2010 also provided me with an event that I would like to put at the very bottom of my “highlight” list; however, the outcome has allowed me to appreciate life all that much more - and the people that are in it. It has also taught me that anything could happen in a minute, so live for today for you never know where tomorrow will take you.

In May of this year, my mom had a very bad bicycle accident. Bad as in she flipped over her bike’s handlebars straight onto her head, couldn’t remember anything that had happened, my dad had to call 911, she spent a portion of the week in the hospital and had a very bad case of dizziness and nystagmus. All in all, I can thankfully say that today she is back to her normal, remarkable self, but that accident allowed our entire family to evaluate our lives a bit more and come to the realization of how quickly things can change.

Me & My Mama
(days before the accident)

For me, it really allowed me to see how quickly things could happen as I was on the phone with her minutes before my dad called me frantically to please come quick to grab their bikes as they are headed to the hospital. But I learned some important lessons during this tragic event. 1. Family will always be there for you and I have one of the best families a girl could ask for. 2. There is no one in the world like your mom, your best friend, your mentor…and no argument, anger or grudge is worth the time because you never know when that person will be gone. 3. I truly admire those individuals that devote their time in the medical field and spend their lives saving people. You can never thank them enough. 4. As I stated above, live life to it’s fullest and never take a moment for granted.

Lastly, a few other highlights to note that helped make 2010 what it was.

Celebrating the 1st birthday of my other adorable niece, Leah Katherine. I just love her to pieces.

- Finding out that I will be an aunt yet again. So excited! I just absolutely love being an aunt. Can you tell?
- Finalizing major renovations on our “new” house. So so so happy that they are coming to an end…well, kind of.

- Becoming Landlords for the first time. Many lessons learned – on all angles.
My baby brother turned 21. Talk about feeling old.
One of my best friends, Laura, became a mother for the first time. So exciting and so awesome to see her as such a natural.

- Got to finally see where my high school bff works in NYC. Long overdue, but so much fun.

So, all in all, as I make my way into the year of 2011, I can only sit back and reflect on what an incredible year 2010 was – what it brought me, what it taught me, and what it allowed me to be. And in doing so, I can’t help but think how all that much better 2011 will be because of it. Because, after all – everything happens for a reason, so sit back and live life to the fullest, but don’t forget to stop and thank all of those who have helped you along the way.

Happy New Year to All!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Inspiration Board: Navy, Silver & White Wedding

Only 3 more days until Christmas! Boy did this year fly by. As I am finalizing my Christmas to-do's, I wanted to take a minute and share with you my favorite holiday wedding color palette - navy, silver & white. I love the sophistication, yet added snowflake fun.

Enjoy! And Happy Holidays to all!
Middle Row: Reception, Bridal Gown
Bottom Row: Bridesmaids, Cake, Programs

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Adoption Birthday Goober!

I know that this is completely unrelated to anything weddings, but I wanted to take a minute from my busy day and celebrate the joy and love that our wonderful dog, Goober, has brought into me and my husband's (and many others) lives over the past year. :-)

One year ago, my husband and I grabbed all our "puppy prep" items (lease, collar, treats...) that we spent the prior two weeks researching, buying, and double checking, hopped into the car and made the mini road trip to pick up our beloved Goobster. We drove about an hour east of our house ready to pick up the newest addition of our family with our emotions going wild - so excited, a tad nervous, very anxious, yet so ready to love this little bundle of joy. And love we did. As soon as we stepped out of our car and saw our little pup, we knew we had adopted the perfect pal for us. He was so eager to meet us and ready to love us right back.

A year later and Goober still gives us all the love in the world. I rush home after a busy day at work or running around and without doubt he is waiting at the door for me - so excited and happy to see me (and the hubs!). He follows me around the house no matter what I may be up to - helping with laundry, cleaning, cooking (and patiently waiting for some scraps), working outside - you name it and he is right there by my side. On bad days, he is there to comfort me - letting me know that it will all be okay. I never was a big "dog person," but after adopting our wonderful, lovable, perfect companion Goober, I am not exactly sure how I survived without him. He has brought my husband and I so much in this last year and I just wanted to take a minute and give him some credit where credit is deserved.

Happy Adoption Birthday Goober!
Thanks for being the best darn pup we could ever ask for.

Picking up the Goobster...

A Year Later...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Cheer!

Just wanted to write a quick note to wish all of our wonderful readers a very merry holiday season! Also, a quick DIY project that I wanted to share - Christmas cards! They were so much fun - and easy - to make. They helped bring me holiday cheer and I was able to send that extra dose of love with each card to all of my amazing family and friends. I know that things can get very hectic around this holiday time, but never forget the true reason for the season!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Congratulations on your Engagement!

He did it! He finally proposed and you cannot stop staring at that gorgeous ring on your left hand! Congratulations! I am sure that you have a million thoughts going through your head - and a million questions getting thrown at you. Did you set a date? Where will you be having it? Oh, how about your honeymoon? The list goes on and on.

With the "engagement" season upon us, I wanted to help out our newly engaged readers with a blog post that I found to be very helpful. I stumbled upon it on it on and I had to share! It is by Erica Trevis, owner of Little Things Favors and Little Things Baby. She has been in the e-commerce and wedding industry helping brides plan their weddings since 2003. Enjoy!


You’ve just gotten engaged and congratulations are definitely in order. This is probably the most exciting time in your life – and quite possibly will be one of the most stressful ones as well. As exhilarating it is to be engaged, the impending process is, to a certain extent, pretty overwhelming. There are so many little details to consider – where do you begin?

Enjoy Your Engagement
Go ahead, stare at your ring. Glance at it again. It sparkles, it shines, and it’s finally yours. Savor the moment of your engagement and enjoy it. Take pictures, begin a journal, kiss your fiancĂ©. Tell him that you love him, a thousand times. Jump up and down. Do all the girly things you should do. Live in the moment of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Parents First, Friends Second
After you’ve basked in your new social status, you want to tell your parents (or those who raised you) before anyone else. Both of you should be present and preferably in person when breaking the news. They will be thrilled about the news, want to look at your ring and begin talking about your wedding. Traditionally, the bride’s parents should be told before the groom’s. Once your family has embraced the news, you can run off to tell your closest friends – the ones who mean the most – and who probably will be in your wedding party. After the news has been broken to these wedding VIPs it’s fair game to announce your upcoming nuptials to the world.

Broadcast To The World
In today’s digital age, there are so many ways to announce your new status. If you’re a traditional bride-to-be you may want to look into print publications, mailing out wedding announcements or having an engagement party. If you can’t wait to spread the news and are more of a modern bride, you can set up a wedding website, send out email announcements, create a Facebook page or a Twitter account. Then blast the news into cyber-space for everyone to see. Keep in mind though, older family and friends may consider this a faux pas, so you may want to send out Internet announcements to the younger generation on your guest list and traditional announcements to everyone else.

Setting the Date
The first question you will be asked as soon as you announce the news will be, “So, when is the date?” You may want to consider setting a general time frame before making the announcement, this way you can respond such as, “We’re thinking sometime in the summer of 2014.” The sooner you set a date or narrow down your choices, the sooner you can begin the wedding planning process. It will be impossible to begin to plan anything without having a date in mind.

Set the Budget and the Tone
Before settling on the exact date, sit down with your partner and discuss each other’s wedding vision. Write down what is important to you both, your must-have’s and the things you can do without. A beach themed bash? A black-tie affair? A religious ceremony versus a civil one? Once you know what you both want, selecting the date and all other aspects will become easier as you narrow down your choices.

Chances are your wedding date will dictate your necessary budget and the tone of the wedding. A Saturday evening affair will definitely be formal, where as a Sunday afternoon event will be more casual. The reception venue prices will vary on the day of the day of the week and season you plan to marry in, which ultimately will consume the largest portion of your budget. The first step is to decide how much debt you are willing to take on, how much you can reasonably save, and how much (if anything) your parents can contribute, or alternatively, what aspects of the wedding they are willing to pay for. In today’s economy is no longer wise to go into tremendous amounts of debt just for a single day. However, you may want to consider taking out a joint credit card which offers you perks such as airline miles or “cash back” – just be sure to pay off the bill each month in full.

Draw Up A Preliminary Guest List
As you set the budget you will need to consider your guest list. Bottom line, the more guests you invite, the more the wedding will cost. You can expect the reception location and catering to take up approximately 50 percent of your budget. Once you decide on a total number of guests you can afford, take that number and divide by 4. Each prominent figure in your wedding gets a fourth of your total number of invitees. The bride, the groom, the bride's parents and the groom's parents traditionally each get a fourth of the total guests. So if your inviting 200 guests, each gets 50 guests to invite. Stick by that number to avoid blowing your budget.

Make Appointments For Ceremony and Reception Venues
Many popular locations book a year in advance or more. These are the first two vendors you should book, before any other vendors. The ceremony location should be scheduled first as some religious venues may have requirements to fulfill before the actual wedding date, or will have certain dates blacked-out. Once your ceremony location is set, begin to look at reception locations. The further in advance you book, the more likely you will get the date and time you are looking for.

Selecting Your Attendants
Whether you ask your wedding party before you begin to plan or just in the beginning of the planning stages is up to you. They do more than just stand up for you the day of the wedding, so get them involved as early as possible. Weddings usually have anywhere from two to 12 attendants total, some couples may choose only to have a maid of honor and best man, while other couples may have a larger group of family and friends.

Scout, Investigate, Plan and Hire
Once the ceremony and reception locations are booked, you will need to begin the process of weeding through the countless vendors you will need: entertainment (DJ or band), florist, caterer, baker, photograph and video services, jewelry, wedding party attire, wedding accessories, favor and gift vendors, limousine/transportation companies, and possibly even wedding insurance. Wedding insurance doesn’t only cover if your relationship ends – it can also cover out of business vendors, weather emergencies, illness and more. Check the contract for exactly what is covered, it may be money well spent for peace of mind.

Enlist Help When Needed
No bride can do it alone. Whether you just want a second opinion on the bridesmaids’ dresses or help negotiating a better deal with a vendor, you probably will want someone to share this experience with. Although you may have a best friend or an entourage of girls in tow for support, you may also want to consider hiring an event planner – they can cover anything from small consultations to full, hands on planning and execution. They may be your best ally in finding the best deals and making sure your wedding goes smoothly.

If a wedding planner is out of your budget or if you prefer a more “hands on” approach, [then check out Queen City Wedding's website! or...] there are many websites, communities and forums to source deals, steals, vendor suggestions and reviews. With such a plethora of information readily available at our fingertips, with a bit of time and research you may find little gems that will make your wedding shine.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Real Wedding | Scott & Kristen

I wanted to take a minute and put up some photos from Kristen & Scott's beautiful fall wedding - you may remember them from the awesome engagement photos that I had posted earlier this year! Talk about a gorgeous fall day. Kristen looked stunning, the sun was shining, and all of the little details made Salvatores looked even more gorgeous. I am so happy that I was able to work with Kristen and Scott on their special day - it was such a pleasure to work with such a sweet couple. Thanks guys!

Also, a great big thanks to Alyssa & Rich from Nickel City Studio for these absolutely amazing pictures (you two never cease to amaze me with your talent!). It was so hard to choose the photos to share, but here are a few of my favorite....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bachelorette Party Idea #4: Buffalo's Finest!

As our last segment of the Bachelorette series, we bring you Buffalo's Finest – local hot spots that are sure to fit the brides’ personality! Buffalo has so much to offer, so why not take advantage of it!

Buffalo Museum of Science – The museum offers a few events throughout the year that are the perfect setting for a bachelorette party! A couple to note are:

Star Lights, Drinks, and Bites: The largest rooftop party of the summer that offers guests spectacular city views from the museum’s rooftop. All guests receive a souvenir wine glass upon arrival which they can use to sample wines from local vineyards as they enjoy tasty snacks from area restaurants. Cost: $35-$40/person -

Beerology: An event where guests can sample brews, snack on beer friendly foods, enjoy presentations on home brewing, live entertainment and more! Admission includes 10 drink tickets good for one beer tasting each. Additional drink tickets may also be purchased and all guests received a commemorative beer mug! Cost: $35-$40/person -

Shea’s – Looking for a classy night on the town? Grab your girls’ and head to the beautiful Shea’s theatre, located in the heart of downtown Buffalo. In addition to Broadway shows, Shea's offers opera, dance, pop music, and concerts. Classic films, only fully appreciated on a big screen, are also shown at the center. Additionally, I wanted to note that Shea’s is a beautiful place to hold your wedding reception - and this would be the perfect themed bachelorette party for that bride-to-be! Cost: $40-$60/person -

Delish! – Delish! offers a number of exciting private cooking party options to meet your specific needs and they are able to customize in order to make your bachelorette party unique, perfect, and memorable! The three main party options that Delish! allows you to choose from include: The Delish! Sit Down Dinner Party, The Delish! Appetizer Party and the Delish! Private Wine Tastings. Delish! hands-on cooking parties can accommodate groups of 10 - 30 people. Cost: $35-$60/person -

Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours – For the more adventurous group, why not check out the Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours for a one of a kind experience. One minute you’re sitting in a boat as it speeds up river, and the next you’re sitting in a boat drenched from the river. Feel the rush of adrenaline as the jet boat completes its famous 360-degree turn more commonly referred to as the “Hamilton Turn”. Cost: $40-$60/person (Group rates start at just 10 people) -

Miss Buffalo – Grab your friends for beautiful views of the city skylines and picturesque sunsets as you board the Miss Buffalo II. Chose a sightseeing tour or a Rockin’ DJ Party. If you would like to go the sightseeing route, the Miss Buffalo II currently offers three narrated sightseeing cruises: a tour of Historic Buffalo and its architecture, a guided tour through the Historic Buffalo River and the grain elevators, and narrated tours of Lake Erie, the Niagara River, Black Rock Lock and Canal. If you want to party on the Miss Buffalo, join the Rockin’ DJ Parties which are offered on Friday and Saturday nights in July and August. These parties offer dancing, drinks, and an assortment of food while listing to live DJs on the waters of Lake Erie. Cost: $15-$30/person -

HSBC Arena - Want to go the more sportier route? Head out the HSBC arena with your gal pals for a night of hockey. This is a great opportunity to cheer on your home team and offers a variety of pricing that can fit your wallet. Cost: Varies with level of game and seating but do offer group rates -

Pole Play Dance Studio – Pole Play gives you the opportunity to get in great shape, feel confident and look sexy by using a stripper's pole as a workout apparatus and using unconventional methods of exercise for fitness and fun. With private parties, you will play around with some strength moves, like climbing the pole, just for fun. You are then taught some sexy dance moves and then a few beginner spins. At the end of the party, all of your pole tricks are put together with a group dance! Cost: $240-$260 flat fee for any size group of 1 to 20 people -

Please note that all costs and information have been obtained from each venue’s website. Please contact them directly for more information and specifics. This information is intended for educational purposes and are not paid endorsements.

We want to hear your bachelorette ideas! Have an idea? Been to a super fun bachelorette party? Tell us about it! Email me at

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bachelorette Party Idea #3: Scavenger Hunt Bar Crawl!

Going back to the more “traditional” bachelorette idea of drinking and embarrassing the bride-to-be, we bring you the third bachelorette idea! The Bar Crawl Scavenger Hunt. Grab your girlfriends and head out for a night on the town that is sure to be full of a lot of laughs and great memories!

Invites/Guests: Sticking with your closest gal pals would be the best bet for this party. You want enough girls to be able to split into diverse teams, but not too many people that they are left behind at the bar! When you send out the invitations I would suggest telling everyone to bring their camera as well – as of course you need proof of the hunt items.

Typical Costs: The great thing about this bachelorette idea is that it is typically low cost. Although the scavenger hunt is pretty much free of charge, I would factor in some cash for drinks and some munchies after the game. Also make sure you have enough to cover the Bride-to-be all night. After all, it is her celebration. :-)



1. Create a scavenger hunt list of tasks that each team needs to find. Have each task worth one point, with working in a few bonus points here and there with more difficult tasks. Here are a few sample items that I grabbed from (I kept them clean although I know sometimes this list can get crazy!):

a. Take a picture with a man who has a Chinese character or Dragon tattoo.

b. Go to a bar; walk out with the phone numbers of three men. Negative point if any of the numbers turn out to be bogus

c. Have three men write the bride a note signing their names and listing reasons why the bride to should dump her fiancĂ©e and marry them. Don’t let them try too hard.

2. Make copies of the scavenger hunt sheets and set a time limit. Base the time limit on the amount of participants and the amount of items to be found. Note that not all items may be found, but challenge the girls to act fast and enjoy themselves!

Day of Scavenger Hunt, The Actual Game:

1. Divide all of the girls into teams based on the amount of participants. I would suggest having each team 4-8 people to keep it fun and diverse.

2. Give each team a copy of the scavenger hunt list and remind them of the time limit (and meeting point when finished). Let them know that for every 5 minutes they are late a point will be deducted from their score! Crunch time ladies.

3. Make sure that each team has a camera with them (one with video works even better) to document all of their finds.

4. Let them go! And don’t forget to have fun and share a lot of laughs!

Misc. Fun: Dress it up! To add some more fun to the night, have all of your friends grab their favorite cocktail dress and stilettos – or add some spunk and make it themed. Here are some ideas:

- Era-themed: 40’s? 50’s? 60’s? What is your favorite era? Have your gal pals dress accordingly. Be sure to include this note in the invitation with some possible suggestions as to what to wear.

- Color-themed: Bring your wedding colors into your bachelorette party. Tell each guest to wear something purple if you are having a purple wedding, or red if you are going with red. This will make finding your participants fairly simple at the bar, or make for a fun group picture!

- Personal touch-themed: Add your personal touch by creating personalized t-shirts for everyone joining the party! You can even add “Team 1” and “Team 2” on the shirts to decipher teams and add a little more customization. Or just “Jane’s Bachelorette Party 2010” - a great gift for all of the girls to take home!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

All About Monograms!

Happy November! I hope that you all are enjoying your fall season! With the start of November, I was very excited to receive my new issue of Brides magazine in the mail. After reading through it I like to try and share a fun idea, fact or craft that I may stumble across while reading it.

This time around I thought I would pass along a great section they had on monograms as they seem to be all the rage lately! Here are a few awesome sites that allow you to truly customize your big day! Check out the November 2010 issue of Brides for the full list. :-)

Postage Stamps:


Water Bottles:

Belgian Chocolates:

Cupcake Wrappers: